Working Groups

Group 1: The United Kingdom and The European Union in a Post-BREXIT Europe

  1. What is the future of Europe in the age of Art. 50 and Donald Trump? How will developments in other EU member states impact EU27 and UK-EU relations?
  2. Are there areas left where Germany and Britain might contribute to strengthened European policies together?
  3. Do we need a common political vision for Europe’s future to renew a sense of purpose for the European project? Does a European vision need a roadmap, or will the European project develop naturally and pragmatically?
  4. Can democratic parties manage the politics of discontent? Is there a ’post-factual’ world that plays on feelings rather than facts? Who are the players? How can we promote citizen engagement for politics and how can the ’political class’ regain the trust of the people? What role for civil society?