The theme of the 57. Young Königswinter Conference has been “A world in motion – European, UK, and German perspectives“.
Group 1
The United Kingdom and The European Union in a Post-BREXIT Europe
- What is the future of Europe in the age of Art. 50 and Donald Trump? How will developments in other EU member states impact EU27 and UK-EU relations?
- Are there areas left where Germany and Britain might contribute to strengthened European policies together?
- Do we need a common political vision for Europe’s future to renew a sense of purpose for the European project? Does a European vision need a roadmap, or will the European project develop naturally and pragmatically?
- Can democratic parties manage the politics of discontent? Is there a ’post-factual’ world that plays on feelings rather than facts? Who are the players? How can we promote citizen engagement for politics and how can the ’political class’ regain the trust of the people? What role for civil society?
Group 2
Lasting Economic Stability?
- How do the changing structures of world economy and trade impact our economic perspectives? Our living conditions? How will US protectionism impact the economy in the UK, Germany, and Europe in general? What are the repercussions of the UK’s approach as the 27 EU members, Asia, Africa and Latin America shape their trade and commerce in multilateral systems?
- Do the differences in economic performance in Northern and Southern Europe stand in the way of a further development of the EU?
- Will the welfare state need to be further cut back? Is austerity the way forward or is a more effective and fairer tax system an option? How could that be achieved?
- How do we secure the necessary resources for our economies in the long term? What role for improved and more cooperative education across European borders? Do we need to rethink the way education systems work in a digitalized world?
Group 3
The world in disorder: Being safe vs. feeling safe
- Climate change, illiteracy, availability of natural resources (e.g. water scarcity) and migration are challenges since the 1960s. What state and non-state strategies can be implemented today?
- How can international co-operation in matters of cyber security be brought about?
- Will western European societies face less or more asymmetrical threats?
- What priorities for NATO and the EU27 to meet the challenges from Russia and the MENA region?