Topics for the 61st Young Königswinter Conference 2021

The theme of the 61st Young Königswinter Conference will be “A new beginning: the UK-German partnership in unchartered waters“. The up to 40 participants will discuss the following three topics:

Topic 1

Global Britain, the EU and Germany in a world of disorder
  1. A new beginning in the UK-German partnership – concrete projects to maintain and strengthen the bonds
  2. Future developments in German Federalism and the British Union
  3. Germany and UK: Players or observers in the US-China-Russia competition and global politics?

Topic 2

Climate and post-Covid economic recovery
  1. Post-Covid recovery, green recovery – lessons for fighting climate change?
  2. Future of work after the pandemic and in the battle against climate change
  3. The role of international financial institutions, nation states, business and civil society in financing the fight against global hunger, pollution and the pandemic

Topic 3

Disintegrating societies
  1. Divisive drivers against integration and inclusion
  2. How to tackle populism, political extremism and misinformation in Germany and the UK?
  3. Means for the political and economic elites to regain credibility and trust in a new era of increasingly digitized communication