
Information for Applicants

We now accept applications for the next Young Königswinter Conference, which will take place in Berlin from 29 October – 2 November, 2025. The deadline for applications is April 30th, 2025.


Potential candidates can submit an independent application or be nominated by, for example, a past participant of either Young Königswinter or Königswinter, a representative of business, charitable organisations, research institutes, political parties or unions, or by a representative of the Gesellschaft.

The Young Königswinter Conference addresses the up-and-coming generation of British and German decision-makers. The participants are drawn from a wide base including politics, business, academia, culture, the media, the third-sector, and have either already started their careers or are completing post-graduate studies.

Pre-requisites for an application are a high-degree of political awareness (also at a European level) and an excellent command of the English language. Participants are expected to be well prepared in order to be able to contribute to the discussions – for example, by giving a short introduction to the subject of their chosen study group.

Young Köngiswinter Conference

The Conference has established itself as a well-known and important forum for promoting German-British understanding. Therefore, applications far exceed the number of available places and participation cannot be guaranteed. Candidates are selected according to many criteria, not least their specialist knowledge of a particular study group subject.


Applying to attend

  1. should be aged between 25 and 30 years
  2. should have a genuine interest in German-British relations and European affairs
  3. should have excellent English language skills
  4. We are committed to promoting diversity and equal opportunity at the conference and encourage women and/or people from minority groups (e.g. people with migration backgrounds and/or disabilities) to apply.

Please submit

  1. the application form
  2. a cover letter (no longer than one page) in English outlining why you would like to attend
  3. a CV in English (tabular format)


The deadline for applications for the 65th Young Königswinter Confererence is 30th April, 2025.


  1. Participants are asked to contribute €250 to cover part of the arising costs.
  2. The Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft covers accommodation, full board, transfers and other costs arising from the programme, i.e. entrance to exhibitions. Travel can be reimbursed in certain circumstances upon request (up to €100 for participants traveling within Germany and up to €200 for participants residing outside Germany),

Location and Date

The Young Königswinter Conferences takes place at the European Academy Berlin annually in summer. The next conference date is 29 October – 2 November, 2025.

Questions and Answers