We now accept applications for the next Young Königswinter Conference, which will take place in Berlin from 29 October – 2 November, 2025. The deadline for applications is April 30th, 2025.

Potential candidates can submit an independent application or be nominated by, for example, a past participant of either Young Königswinter or Königswinter, a representative of business, charitable organisations, research institutes, political parties or unions, or by a representative of the Gesellschaft.
The Young Königswinter Conference addresses the up-and-coming generation of British and German decision-makers. The participants are drawn from a wide base including politics, business, academia, culture, the media, the third-sector, and have either already started their careers or are completing post-graduate studies.
Pre-requisites for an application are a high-degree of political awareness (also at a European level) and an excellent command of the English language. Participants are expected to be well prepared in order to be able to contribute to the discussions – for example, by giving a short introduction to the subject of their chosen study group.

The Conference has established itself as a well-known and important forum for promoting German-British understanding. Therefore, applications far exceed the number of available places and participation cannot be guaranteed. Candidates are selected according to many criteria, not least their specialist knowledge of a particular study group subject.
Applying to attend
- should be aged between 25 and 30 years
- should have a genuine interest in German-British relations and European affairs
- should have excellent English language skills
- We are committed to promoting diversity and equal opportunity at the conference and encourage women and/or people from minority groups (e.g. people with migration backgrounds and/or disabilities) to apply.
Please submit
- the application form
- a cover letter (no longer than one page) in English outlining why you would like to attend
- a CV in English (tabular format)
The deadline for applications for the 65th Young Königswinter Confererence is 30th April, 2025.
- Participants are asked to contribute €250 to cover part of the arising costs.
- The Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft covers accommodation, full board, transfers and other costs arising from the programme, i.e. entrance to exhibitions. Travel can be reimbursed in certain circumstances upon request (up to €100 for participants traveling within Germany and up to €200 for participants residing outside Germany),
Location and Date
The Young Königswinter Conferences takes place at the European Academy Berlin annually in summer. The next conference date is 29 October – 2 November, 2025.
Questions and Answers
Who is eligible to apply for the Young Königswinter Conference?
Applicants for the program should be United Kingdom or German younger and mid-career experts who have demonstrated some experience, are in relatively early stages of their career, and show promise in their given field.
Which nationalities can apply?
You can only apply if you are holding a German or a United Kingdom passport.
How big are the contingents?
We select around 40 participants each year and try to include one half from Germany and the other half from the United Kingdom.
I am a German or a United Kingdom citizen but do not currently reside in my home country. Am I eligible to apply?
Yes. Your citizenship is decisive, not your current country of residence.
Are European citizens from Non-EU states eligible to apply?
No. The Young Königswinter Conference is a binational conference.
Are there restrictions with respect to professional fields or university disciplines (degree programmes)?
No, as long as you can make a case for your interest in the Conference’s topic there are no restrictions on the issue of professional experience or disciplines.
Do I need to be an expert on the Conference’s topic?
Expertise in the field of the Conference’s theme in professional or academic context or through extracurricular engagement is no precondition, it is an asset, though. Applicants for the programme should be United Kingdom or German younger and mid-career experts who have demonstrated some experience, are in relatively early stages of their career, and show promise in their given field.
Do I need to have prior experience with the other country, the United Kingdom or Germany respectively, before applying?
You need to have a strong interest in UK-German and/or UK-EU relations and neighbourhood policies of all actors. Further you should be eager to discuss your perspectives with young professionals from the participating countries. The Conference is open for those with and without a deeper knowledge of the other country to allow for a good mix of experiences and for productive exchange.
When do I need to fulfil the age criteria of 25-30 years?
During the Conference, you should be no younger than 25 and no older than 30 years of age.
Where do I find the Application Form?
Under the Headline “Please submit”.
What should the CV look like?
There are no formal constraints on how your CV should look like.
What does the Letter of Motivation need to look like?
The only formal constraint is the length of no longer than one page.
What should I include in the Letter of Motivation?
In the Letter of Motivation you should explain your interest in the Conference’s topics. We are eager to learn how the programme would benefit from your participation and how you plan to contribute to the relationship between The United Kingdom and Germany. If you already have experience in this field, please elaborate on that as well.
Do I have to be nominated to apply to the Conference?
No. Everyone is free to apply. A nomination might help your application but is not a precondition for it.
Will I receive a confirmation of my application?
Yes. Once you have submitted a complete application you will receive confirmation via e-mail. If you do not receive the confirmation within a week, please contact the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft directly at headoffice[at]debrige.de.
I have been nominated. How does the application process differ from the open application process and am I automatically selected for participation?
If you have been nominated you will be asked to supply the same documents, i.e. application Form, CV, and Letter of Motivation. Please note: In order to ensure a fair competition among all applicants, nominated candidates are not automatically selected for participation.
Who selects the conference participants?
The applications get reviewed by a group of people. You can find more information on the selection committee here.
I would like to follow up on my application, is that possible?
All applicants will receive a response via e-mail after their documents have been submitted. Individual inquiries may take time to be processed.
Potential candidates can submit an independent application or be nominated by, for example, a past participant of either Young Königswinter or Königswinter, a representative of business, charitable organisations, research institutes, political parties or unions, or by a representative of the Gesellschaft.
The Young Königswinter Conference addresses the up-and-coming generation of British and German decision-makers. The participants are drawn from a wide base including politics, business, academia, culture, the media, the third-sector, and have either already started their careers or are completing post-graduate studies.
Pre-requisites for an application are a high-degree of political awareness (also at a European level) and an excellent command of the English language. Participants are expected to be well prepared in order to be able to contribute to the discussions – for example, by giving a short introduction to the subject of their chosen study group.
The Conference has established itself as a well-known and important forum for promoting German-British understanding. Therefore, applications far exceed the number of available places and participation cannot be guaranteed. Candidates are selected according to many criteria, not least their specialist knowledge of a particular study group subject.
Applying to attend
Please submit
The deadline for applications for the 65th Young Königswinter Confererence is 30th April, 2025.
Location and Date
The Young Königswinter Conferences takes place at the European Academy Berlin annually in summer. The next conference date is 29 October – 2 November, 2025.
Questions and Answers